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Spatio Temporal Dynamics and Hack

Its been quite a lot of time since the release of Blackberry OS 10.2. The most appealing feature of this release was the ' Picture Password ' for unlocking/locking the Blackberry devices . This new idea drew a lot of attention. But why did they have to do that ? There are so many diiferent ways to lock your smartphone - the pattern lock , number lock etc . Then why was this necessary ?

Before we get into the details , lets see what Spatio Temporal Dynamics is :

This video here is about the demolition of a building . If you can see , the building gets devastated in two different ways : One - It starts collapsing from the middle , two - it starts collapsing from the sides.

The interesting part here is , both of these aspects have been derived from the same video !

This implementation of AI ( Artificial Intelligence ) is called Spatio Temporal Dynamics , meaning the three dimensional space and the time is taken into consideration. It deals with the distance - time relationship.

This has a lot of implementations today. There are AI games being built with its aid.

Well , how is it related to the Blackberry's innovation

The Spatio Temporal Dynamics Hack

Imagine you are waiting for a bus , standing in the pubic bus station , tappng on your smartphone. And , few yards apart , there is a person standing with a small ( hidden ) camera , recording all your activities ( Specifically , the ones on your smartphone ). Now , all he has is a video of you tapping random spots on your smartphone screen , that too , from the back of the screen. ( maybe from any direction and varying distance). How does that make sense ? What is the use ?

Later he feeds this video into an AI algorithm. A spacio temporal algorithm that can analyze the video and precisely , crack the password ( in , say , less than 10 attempts !) on the basis of the nature of the taps you made on the screen. Now , imagine this happening around . Sounds bad ? So , thats why Blackberry introduced the Picture Password , where in you have a grid with 0 -9 numbers and an underlying grid with images on it. To unlock the device , you have to bring the number ( the password ) and place it on the picture that u have chosen earlier , as password. Each time , a random grid of numbers is created , with the same number appearing several times.

Brilliant , ain't it ?

This has been called the ' Spatio Temporal Dynamics Hack '. Apart from these , there are numerous applications of this idea. The driver-free cars , The holography - based games of tomorrow might have it in them. Anyways , this has surely put a smile on the face of hackers !

Reference :

Spacio Temporal Time Warping video samples :

Blackberry's Picture Password :

Hack of the Future :

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