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[ POEM ] Rage


Look around you. There's pain runnin' down every vein. Call for peace will never befall a change. Struggles unanswered keep echoin' ,

From these walls of hate that breathe oblivion. Bloodsheds to quench the thirst of the borders ? Mother land rest in those iron hearts beyond priors. Today, walk these aisles of thorn Trust me, it leàds to a beautiful throne. The sunshine is evident, but not so soon. Don' forget the darkness, when lights reflect from your golden spoon. But, it would be a sin, just tap this in, stare back to the bounds that kept you crawlin' , Its time you manifest your roarin' Keep movin'.

While I drop these lines, Satan's watchin'. But, ya'll got him owned, 'cuz ya'll readin'. The world reads twice what's on Revo's "Bond Papers" , Better luck next time, Satan - Like the habits prevail, they all blindly accepted and agreed on your "Terms and Conditions "

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