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NoSQL Databases

For decades RDBMS ( Relational Database Management Systems ) have been the only option available for managing databases. To add , manage data , there was this user-friendly query language - SQL ( Structured Query Language ) .

RDBMS use tables to store data. So , there is a pre-defined schema for it. And , as the name itself declares , it's ' Relational '. This is , in a way , helpful as it helps in managing data easily. But , on the other hand , it provides ample oppurtunities for the hackers to alter queries and get access into the database . This affect was felt globally and SQL injection was one of the strongest attacks and almost every huge website used RDBMS for its database management. Morover , the SQL databases are less scalable. Web services that have to deal with huge amount of data traffic everyday , found it difficult to last with the existing databases.

This issue gained enough momentum to give birth to a new family of databases - called the ' NoSQL ' databases .

NoSQL stands for ' Not only SQL ' . These databases do not use a schema , which makes it clear that , there will be no common templates unlike RDBMS and no generic attacks.

Eg :

The Relational databases have ' information_schema ' . This is a schema that stores all the information regarding the databases , tables , columns , the data types etc. This is common for al the relational databases. So , if an attacker gets access into the information_schema , he has everything !

The idea of SQL injection is totally turned down , as these databases don't use SQL to retrive or manage data. That would mean that it is secure from one of the biggest attacks around ! Sounds good ?

Result ?

The leading companies accross the globe , that deal with huge data everyday, have shifted to NoSQL databases.

Reasons :

> There is no SQL , so no SQL injection.

> Highly scalabe

> Fault - tolerant ( Easily recovers from faults in the system , on itself )

> Not many vulnerabilities have been known.

> Secure from exploitations.

Types :

* Key - Value Based :

> These databases use a unique key as pointer to every data set stored in the database . JSON ( Java Script Object Notation ) is generally used to manipulate data.

> There are no tables.

> Sorting is done based on the alphabetical order.

> MapReduce fuction :

Map() - maps the data from the database with the help of the unique key.

Reduce() - aggregates the data into a unit.

Eg : Dynamo ,Voldemart , Riak etc

* Document - Based :

> Similar to Key-Value based.

> There are indexes to access the stored data.

> Generally use Java Scripts to manage data.

Eg : SimpleDB , CouchDB etc

* Columnar :

> Store data in a similar key--‐value fashion, except the key is a combination of column, row, and/or timestamp, which points to one or multiple columns (Column Family). The column family used here is like a table commonly found in a relational database.

Eg : HBase , BigTable , Cassandra etc.

* Graph-based :

> Store data in a flexible graph model that scales across multiple machines

> Suitable for data with relations that are best represented as a graph (elements interconnected with an undetermined number of relations between them), such as social relations, public transport links, road maps or network topologies.

Eg : Neo4j

Now , let's move on to the most important part :

These databases do not use SQL. So , is it completely secure ? Ain't there any ways to exploit it at all ?

Vulnerabilities :

> Cassandra :

  • Uses TDE ( transparent Data Encryption ) before it writes the data from memory into a permanent drive. But , the encryption certificate is stored locally and is not encrypted.

  • Client-Node communication isn’t encrypted.

  • client_encryption_options in cassandra.yaml file permits to switch on the SSL.

  • By default the inter--‐node communication is not encrypted either

  • AllowAllAuthenticator , PasswordAuthenticator stored in system_auth.credentials are default functions.

> MongoDB :

* No encryption at all.

* read, readWrite, dbAdmin, userAdmin, clusterAdmin, readAnyDatabase, readWriteAnyDatabase, userAdminAnyDatabase, and dbaAdminAnyDatabase.

  • $where ( just like the where clause in SQL ) is available for JS injection.

What’s the game ?

* JSON injection :

> JSON is used to manipulate data.

> Input sanitization is limited.

> DB Handlers can be used to inject via JSON queries.

* Key-bruteforce :

> Big Hash Table is used for encryption.

> Hashing is lite. Bruteforcing is possible.

* Connection Pollution :

> ( CouchDB as example )

* The database uses RESTful interface.

* Uses Java Script.

* Cross - Database / Pool Access

* The Database Handler is universal . This means , the access into the database , moreover , uses the same methods.

Eg : NoSQL.connect ( http://couchDB/_restart )

* Javascript injection

> We just need to know the syntax, data model, and underlying programming language of the target database

eg :

db.myCollection.find( { $where: "this.credits < this.debits" } );

db.myCollection.find( { $where: function() { return obj.credits - obj.debits < 0; } } );

Exploit :

db.myCollection.find( { $where: function() { return obj.credits - obj.debits < $userInput; } } );

[ This may expose a vulnerability where an attacker could overwrite the $userInput variable with arbitrary code, such as ]

$userInput = "0; var date=new Date(); do{curDate = new Date();} while(curDate-date<10000)"

If sanitization check fails to screen the $userInput value, now upon concatenation the third statement becomes the following form that could trigger a DOS attack and cause the MongoDB instance to execute at 100% CPU usage for 10 second!

db.myCollection.find( { $where: function() { return obj.credits - obj.debits < 0;var date=new Date(); do{curDate = new Date();}while(curDate-date<10000); } } );

function() {

var search_year = input_value; return this.publicationYear == search_year ||

this.filmingYear == search_year || this.recordingYear == search_year; }

$query = 'function() {var search_year = \'' . $_GET['year'] . '\';' . 'return this.publicationYear == search_year || ' . ' this.filmingYear == search_year || ' . ' this.recordingYear == search_year;}';

$cursor = $collection->find(array('$where' => $query));

As of now there are no exploitation frameworks for NoSQL databases. But , researches are on.

And , in some time , OWASP is expectedly releasing some frameworks on NoSQL exploitation.

More exploits on the way !

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